I'm a huge cricket fan but the minute I see these cheerleaders haw and hum in front of the camera, I feel like changing the channel.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I'm a huge cricket fan but the minute I see these cheerleaders haw and hum in front of the camera, I feel like changing the channel.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Pop corn
I just love how the simple analogies can be used to convey something so well :-)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Need a reason
Why is it that sometimes we like something, which we would've otherwise hated, just because someone we like likes it!?!
Damn you my friend who's far away and loves the song, now I miss you :(
Saturday, November 27, 2010
B'day girl
- A baby's yawn
- A baby's sneeze
Happy b'day Baby Navya :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Shahrukh Rocked on
I saw Kal ho na ho and Rock on back to back, sipping hot chocolate in my comforter.
And I started thinking what if Karan Johar had made Rock On! It would've been a hilarious tragedy.
- For starters, Shahrukh will be in Farhan's place (but natural).
- There will be more focus on the ego clash between him and Arjun Rampal. A mutual love interest will be the focal point of the drama.
- Shahrukh will get the girl. Arjun Rampal will remain heartbroken and single and will take refuge in his music and alcohol.
- When he refuses to listen to Prachi Desai's idea of getting back together with the band, Shahrukh's Maa (Jaya Bachhan!?!) will be roped in to persuade him. That always works like a charm.
- Before they go on stage for the final concert, Maa will feed him Mandir ka prashad and say 'ja beta jaa, Bharat ka naam roshan karo' (don't ask). Okay, this isn't just a K-Jo special, applies to all old Hindi movies in general.
- The 'Tum ho to' song will be dedicated to (no points for guessing) Shahrukhs Maa. Who will promptly proceed to (again no points for guessing) bawl her eyes out.
Maa rushes to stage screaming, 'Betaa...!' Followed by slower wife (naturally). Hugs. Tears. Shahrukh wheezing and gasping. Grabs mike. Some more tears. Apologises to Rampal for the past and asks him to *gasp* marry Prachi Desai after his death. 'I love you all! The music *gasp! wheeze!* must go on. WE MUST....WE MUST ROCK ON!' Proceeds to die on stage. V.v.sad chorus version of 'Tum ho to...' plays in the background, fade out.
Titles read: And then Joe (Arjun Rampal) married Sakshi (Prachi Desai) and had a baby later and they named him Rahul (naturally!).
The End.
I feel like one of those animals in hibernation.
Of course, the winter setting in and the weather is to die for. I woke up from a catnap, feeling very cold, but relishing every bit of the chill. I've missed this. So much.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Speed x time
The one that we measure in centimeters, metres, kilometers and light years. Being away from our loved ones may suck, but distance does have its merits in certain other situations.
Distance allows us to appreciate the beauty of sky full of stars in the night
Distance helps us plan great holidays
Distance makes meeting a happier event
Distance makes us realize what we miss
Distance helps us forget
Distance helps us figure ourselves out
Distance keeps us away from people who interfere in the process of us figuring ourselves out
Distance allows us to wear whatever we want, away from those who don't want us to wear what-we-want
Distance helps us enjoy the movie better in a theatre
Distance (of a few centimeters) makes a kiss scene sensual
Distance lets you enjoy the view of the beach from kayak
Distance keeps the transport and telecom industries alive
Distance allows us to drive fast without being screamed at (well, actually only when time is a constraint)
Distance from something takes you closer to something else
Distance tells you how far you'd go for certain people, and how far others will come for you
Distance can give rise to beautiful
Distance decreases the probability of us bumping into people we have shift+deleted from our lives
Distance heals what time can't
Distance allows us to clearly see whom it should be maintained with
Pointedly avoiding the cliche ... makes the heart grow fonder coz I believe in the concept of out-of-sight-out-of-mind!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Order order!
This guy tells the server- One football please.
Server - huh??
Guy- I am sorry. I want foot-long meat-ball. :))
It's not always waiters and waitresses who mess up our orders. Sometimes, we do it ourselves. The reason can be anything, but it makes the server go "huh?"
Overheard in my college canteen few years ago: Can I have chocolate-flavoured vanilla ice-cream?
Mirchi bhajji, teekha kam.
So what flavoured vanilla rolls do I get? Strawberry?
At Subway-
My friend used to make fun of chicken teriyaki all the times. This one time he slipped it out to the server.
Can I have a chicken terimaki? :))))
Server- huh??!!??!
I did this myself at McDonalds-
Chicken McGrill without the chicken, please! (I wanted to say without mayonnaise)
Server- huh??
At Subway-
Lady: I want 6 inches paneer tikka sandwich. No bread please.
Server- huh??
Lady- Sorry, no onions.
Monday, November 15, 2010
While talking to a friend, I told him that staying in Bombay is best because we can go to Goa anytime!
Goa's always good. There are so many beautiful memories associated with it.
Palolem was beautiful just like last time.
This Goa visit was a mix bag.
Sun, sand, sea, sound of waves, serenity-- s's make me happy.
It was short- well too short I think. I was in Goa for only 36 hours and it was the first time in Goa without Anish.
I realised I am allergic to sea water, wth :-/
I ate uncle chips at Palolem!
I rode the bike- don't know what speed I touched but it was said that I am a fast learner :)
I did a wheelie too- not intentional ofcourse :D
I always wanted to do an early morning walk along the beach. It never happened for only one reason that we always slept late and got up late. This time we stayed on the beach and luckily I got up early, everyone else was fast asleep.
I stepped out and walked. There were hardly 5-10 people. I picked up sea shells. I played touch and run with this very adorable little firang baby girl but she fell down and started crying. She and I then started making sand castle (high hopes!) and ended up making a sand hut.
Dwarka was a good find. Wouldn't really want to stay there though but yes a couple of hours at really really quiet beach is not a bad idea afterall.
And then the train ride back home!
Back to life, back to city, back to work. Wake up :-/
Sunday, October 31, 2010
These moments are really tiny, and they don't take up too much space. And to another person, they may not even appear significant. They are inaccessible to others, including the ones who are part of those moments. I can't copy them to any hard disk. I can’t show them to anyone. I can't share them on a network. I can't store them anywhere else. I can't back them up. I can't recover them if my pen-drive crashes. That’s the way it works.
And if I ever lose it- by choice or otherwise, I will have no regrets coz if I lose those moments, I was meant to lose them.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Item number
It took me 12 minutes to finish round one. I was listening to ajeeb dastaan hai ye...
It took me 6 minutes to finish round two. I was listening to munni badnaam hui...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Right next to me was a girl of about 5 years and a boy of about 7 years maybe.
Someone stepped out of the lobby with a pet dog.
Girl (looks up and excitedly points at the puppy)- "Look, look! A puppy."
Boy (glares at the girl)- "Don't point. Its rude to point."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Well said Bhai!
I told him about this blog and he opened the link and sat down to read it.
This was the first post he read. He read the first four words aloud.
And pat came the comment. "Well said, didi!"
Monday, October 11, 2010
I find them meaningful and sometimes I connect to these old melodies more than anything/anyone else :D
Heard this song as soon as I came back from work and the feeling cannot be put down in words!
Sirf ehsaas hai yeh, rooh se mehsoos karo...
Pyar ko pyar hi rehne do, koi naam na do...
Friday, October 8, 2010
High maintenance
Thank goodness it wasn't cleanser, toner and moisturizer that we were talking about.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Need a match
Fast forward...tonight..
I was cleaning out my closet when I found this really cute and b-(ea)-chy shorts that I had bought from New York. I had completely forgotten about it. I tried it on- loved it. I want to wear it but it does not go with the *place*
Now I've got to buy a holiday that matches it :D
Maybe this or this
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Small talk
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blue and Pink
Friday, September 10, 2010
Best thing...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
These parents
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
English manners
English people are very well polished and their manners and etiquettes are well known. A few of those unusual manners I observed while I was in London....
Stand in a line- they stand in line EVERYWHERE. Even when you are in a store during sale and you are holding a t-shirt or trying on a pair of shoes, they won’t rush you, they’ll patiently wait for their turn. And I read somewhere- In England, a queue is one place where you can start a conversation with a stranger without being introduced.
Keep the door open- be it a tiny gate outside your building, lift door, bar door, shop door, restroom door- essentially any kind of door that is not automatic- when you open a door and before you leave it, you look back and in case you see anyone within hundred miles who might walk through that door, you hold it open, or keep a restraining palm on the door showing how much you want to keep the door open. It is polite. Everyone does it there and no matter how useless the whole practice might be, very soon you will find yourself doing the same.
Pehle aap- this happens in the tube when two people move towards the lone empty seat. Both will use their hands and expressions to say, “Ma’am/ Sir please go ahead and take the seat. Kind Regards XYZ”. This will go on for a few seconds until someone takes the seat. If it’s a man and a woman, the woman will ultimately take the seat, if they are people of the same gender, the older one will take the seat. Put this in contrast to the way we rush to take seats and giving it up is something we cannot even consider. In the defense of desis, the Brits here are not travelling in a thakela, jam packed bus with the outside temperature of fifty degrees C only and no AC in the bus! If that were the case, British politeness may have been different.
Love, darling, doll, sweetheart- the older lot will often refer to you as ‘love’. For example you are standing in the middle of a narrow aisle and trying to figure out which way do you have to turn or in a store where you are lost in the bakery section- suddenly you hear a soft, “excuse me, love”. You turn around wondering who the hell that is and come face to face with a white haired lady in a skirt and cardigans. You smile and give her way.
The greetings- the way someone here will greet you will be more affectionate than how your mommy will greet you when you go back home after one year. The receptionist at the office door will sound more excited about talking to you at eight in the morning than you will ever be to talk to the love of your life!
Thanks, sorry, excuse me, do you mind- for a day, if they were to put a pound in a jar everytime they said one of these words and gave those jars to me, I’ll fall short of space for my lvs, chanels, guccis and pradas. In the bus- driver will thank the passengers and passengers will thank driver. On the cash counter- customer will thank the cashier, cashier will thank customer. On a tube- anyone will thank anyone even if anyone steps aside by inches. Excuse me, I’m sorry comes together a lot of times. A slight touch when someone moves past you, miles before you pass each other in a narrow lane, or five minutes before anyone can have any physical contact in a tube they’ll tell you sorry or excuse me. Imagine one of those at dadar station!!
Sometimes it gets on your nerves but still it’s nice to see all the politeness.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Giving and receiving
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Just a thought
Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010
If only
Monday, July 26, 2010
To be or not to be
She said, "Do you know what is worse than being ogled at? Not being ogled at."
Funny and unfortunately true at times :)